In-Person & Online
Clinical counselling offered in 50 minute or 75 minute sessions. Most folks find 50 minute sessions sufficient time to begin with a check-in, address the main content of the session, and wrap up.
50 minute session - $150
75 minute session - $200
In-Person & Online
Art Therapy does not rely on words to explore our thoughts, feelings, or experiences. The use of creativity in a therapeutic context provides an excellent avenue of expression and processing, and can offer unique personal insights that might be limited by verbal expression.
No art experience required - materials provided for in-person sessions (material costs reflected in the higher session cost).
50 minute session - $155
In-Person & Online
Mental health support and education that is tailored specifically to address the needs of your group, team, or organization. Trauma-informed trainings and workshops may address grief & loss, workplace burnout, stress management, use of art & creativity to support well-being, developing coping skills, and strategies to support mental health and overall well-being.
Cost determined per project.
I am passionate about supporting folks impacted by serious illness, trauma, grief and loss. Outside of my private practice, I work with Lumara Grief & Bereavement Care Society which embraces a community model to healing that believes no one should grieve in isolation.
I work year round to provide individual Art Therapy and counselling to children, youth, individuals and families. I am also involved in bereavement support groups, Indigenous Wellness programs, youth programs, educational resources, and family bereavement retreats.
To learn more about the work Lumara does, please reach out or visit their website.
In collaboration with Lexie Morgan (RCC, at Montira Mental Health) we provide workplace group debriefs and trainings in areas of critical incident stress management, burnout prevention, and workplace mental health.
We are always interested in potential collaborations and creating specialized programming for individuals, groups, and organizations - please contact for more information.